4th Meeting Minutes
23rd Nov 2024

Those Present: Neil, Vanessa, Jacqui ….


Neil welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1.     Matters Arising from the minutes 29th Sept 2024







8.     Next Meeting.  Saturday 11th January 2025. 

9.     Any Other Business

Meeting Dates for 2025

a.     Saturday 11th January – Meeting Only

b.     Sunday 6th April – Open Day and Meeting

c.      Sunday 29th June – Faversham Open Gardens Market Stall

d.     Saturday 5th July – NGS Open Day

e.     Saturday 20th September – Open Day and Meeting

f.      Sunday 23rd November – Meeting Only


The meeting ended at 2pm. 

Look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday 11th January at 11am.

3rd Meeting Minutes
29th Sept 2024

Those Present: Neil, Vanessa, Jacqui, Ray, Clive, Sue E, Sue S, John, Annikki, Caireen, Brad, Michael, Rod, Sue T, Janina, Pauline, Katy, Linda, Carol, Michele M, Michele CE

 Apologies: Dave, Raquel, Freya, Oskar, Sunita, Mick, Callum, Kelly, Clare S, Claire W, Alison R, Kash, Natalie, Karen

Neil welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1.     Matters Arising from the minutes of 13th April 2024.  Jacqui stated that there were two actions on Any Other Business which were the new fruit cage door, which has now been installed on the poly tunnel side of the fruit cage and the installation of the Oak Notice Board which is also in situ.  Thank you to all those who were involved in getting the jobs completed.

2.     Welcome to New Members.  Neil welcomed all the members that had joined since our last meeting in April.  At the time of writing we have 75 members (60 adults, 15 children). There was then a discussion about group numbers and it was agreed that anyone wishing to join from now on would be held on a waiting list until January 2025.  Ray expressed to all the members that the garden is a 365 days a year project as there are many jobs that we can get on with. Such as building a path and fence around the perimeter of the herb garden and maintenance of beds and paths right across the garden.

3.     Finance. As of 29th September the bank balance was £6,191.34 of which £3,300 has already been allocated for pond construction.  Other fund raising came from the Herb Garden Opening on 1st June when we raised £483 and the NGS Open Day when we raised £225.

4.     Biodiversity Pond Update. Vanessa explained that she had approached FGS Pilcher who are experts in this field.  The company have visited the site and have given a quotation which equates to the whole of the grant given to us by NGS (£3,300).  Vanessa is trying to get the Company to commit to a date, but unfortunately so far they have not been able to do this.  This is due to the fact that the weather has put all their projects about 6-8 weeks behind.  It is hoped to have it built by mid November.  The pond will be 10x8m which is bigger than we originally planned and it will be shallower than intended.  Ray suggested that we initially fill from the rainwater harvesting tank by the compost shed as the tank needs some maintenance before next year.  Vanessa is also approaching a local timber company to obtain chestnut for the fencing around the pond.  We will use the tennis nets we have until this can be sourced.  Sue T asked if we are going to have a bio diversity gain and it was agreed to measure that before and after installation.

5.     Bee Update and Honey Distribution.  John stated that we had a poor start with the bees where we lost 4 hives.  Below is a rundown of all the hives:  Hive 1 (CKG split Nuc) – unfortunately the nucleus failed.  Hive 2(Purchased by JS) split into three other hives (Nucs) two of which survived (Hives 3 and 4).  These are being fed with sugar syrup to help them over winter and given them a strong start to 2025 season.  This hive produced some honey despite it being its first season.  Hive 3.  A split from Hive 2, these again are being fed with sugar syrup to help them over winter and give them a strong start to the 2025 season.  Hive 4.  A split from Hive 2.  This hive produced some honey despite being its first season.  Again they are being fed sugar syrup to help them over winter.  Hive 5.  A Nucleus of Buckfast bees – these were purchased by JS but then a grant was given by Advanta Loss Adjusters to cover the cost of £320.  Again sugar syrup is being fed to give them the best possible start for the 2025 season.  Hive 6.  A swarm capture thanks to Linda’s niece, Charlotte.  This hive produced some honey despite it being its first season.  These also appear to be Buckfast bees and are being fed as above.  If you are wondering about the Buckfast breed, the Buckfast queens are the result of the pioneering breeding work of the Benedictine Monk “Brother Adam” who oversaw beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey, Devon and who travelled all over the globe to create the “perfect bee”.  They are extremely gentle bees and highly productive which makes them ideal for the LCKG.  In other news, the Bee Unit Inspective gave us a good report into the health of our hives.  We had the inspection as other Bees in the local area had health issues.  We have placed a Hornet trap in a plum tree to the rear of the poly tunnel.  If anyone sees an Asian Hornet (there are laminated sheets in the shed if you are unsure what they look like) please report it to a member of the Bee Team.  The equipment needed for the future of the bees is quite expensive for example Supers cost £100 each and we need 9 of them!  With this is mind we need to make some money back on the honey.  This will be the last year that Members will get a free jar with their membership.  There are still some jars to buy and we are suggesting £5 minimum per jar.

6.     Grant Updates. Vanessa explained that there were no grant applications at the moment.  She explained that they are very time consuming and if anyone else would like to have a go then please get in touch.  We did have a £250 grant given to us for signage which is in hand.

7.     Wilder Kent Awards. As per last year we again won a Silver Award.  Jacqui and Freya attended the award ceremony on behalf of the KG to receive the certificate which is now proudly on the wall of the shed.  We are definitely aiming for GOLD next year it appears we peaked too early!

8.     Next Meeting.  Saturday 23rd November 2024.  We will discuss at this meeting what to grow next year.  As per last year we will ask everyone to make suggestions on the white board.  We had a brief discussion about potatoes and it was agreed that we would only grow early potatoes next year and these are to be kept in the same bed as this year (this also helps when watering with the sprinkler system and they don’t normally need so much water).

9.     Any Other Business

a.     Alison R asked me to let the members know that a new family of hedgehogs should be arriving soon at the garden and could we please make sure that there are enough water areas for them.  The pond will be a major source of water for the hedgehogs and we will make sure that there are other low level troughs around too. 

b.     John raised the issue of the padlock on the gate and that it was very difficult to see the numbers.  Vanessa said that it had to be heavy duty and waterproof, it was agreed to see if a better padlock could be found.  It was also reiterated that the gate should be closed at all times.

c.      Vanessa wanted to make the members aware that the garden is open in daylight hours only and to be aware that there is a camera system that operates when it is dark.

d.     Vanessa said a massive thank you to all the members with regard to the Herb Garden.  The whole project had been a massive achievement and a real test of skills for a lot of the members and extended family and friends. We should not lose sight of the fact that the goal of the garden is about enjoyment, even 15 minutes of help is awesome.

e.     There was a discussion about how long the large recycled poly tunnel would last, it was thought 5 years maximum.  We could get it re-clad before then if necessary and we have the funds to do so.

f.      A huge thank you went out to Katy (Wasted Kitchen) and Amy (Heart and Soil) for their workshops at the Open Morning.  The QR code for feedback has since been sent on an email to all members, please return as this is important.

10.  Meeting Dates for 2025

a.     Saturday 11th January – Meeting Only

b.     Sunday 6th April – Open Day and Meeting

c.      Sunday 29th June – Faversham Open Gardens Market Stall

d.     Saturday 5th July – NGS Open Day

e.     Saturday 20th September – Open Day and Meeting

f.      Sunday 23rd November – Meeting Only


The meeting ended at 2pm. 

Look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday 23rd November at 11am.