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Join and Volunteer
Joining Process
(becoming a volunteer)
Visit us first - be sure it’s right for you and that you can get to us affordably and easily (we can discuss lift shares too), email to arrange a visit or come along to one of our free open day events
Complete Joining Form - involves agreeing to our safeguarding, code of conduct and health and safety guidance, you will be given/sent this after your visit
Suggested (optional) annual Subscription £20 for 2025. Under 18s FREE. Much cheaper than an allotment and you can pick the fresh produce whenever you want, all year, with no cost to you. Plus gardening WITH others on a large shared plot means the work load is far less than growing on your own and if there are things you cannot do, others will do them for you! The subs fund goes towards all our seeds, refreshments and small administration costs. (NB the subscription does not prevent anyone from joining, so please ask if you’d like help from our subs fund and we can support you)
20 mins induction to show you where everything is and to keep you and others safe and happy at the garden
What does Joining involve?
Becoming a LCKG volunteer
Access to the garden 365 days of the year, any time during daylight hours
Harvest what you like, when you like (a few things things like squash have a quota to ensure everyone gets some). The value of what you are able to harvest over the course of the year, massively exceeds the subscription cost. This abundant supply of organic food, has no monetary costs attached just the expectation that you can help out
Help out with tasks in the garden. Jobs for all levels of ability and mobility. (To-do-list organised weekly on a notice board). There aren’t rules about how many hours helping you should do and no one is counting. We understand some people will be able to attend more/less often than others. We also know stuff happens in life that may mean you are unable to come for a while. As a rough guide, members’ time at the garden ranges from ‘every day’ to a ‘couple of times a month’. You definitely get more out of the garden if you are here fairly regularly. We have tools and equipment at the garden (no need to buy your own)
Meet a wonderful bunch of local people (toddlers to seniors), with all sorts of different skills and knowledge that enable the garden to thrive
x4 LCKG Meetings a year. We strongly urge people to attend these as it’s your way of helping shape the garden over time
Informal social events - such as lunches where we all bring along something created from the produce at the garden
Open Day Events - opportunity to meet new people, share knowledge and expertise and showcase all the wonderful things going on at the garden. We also have guest speakers/food demonstrations etc.
There is also the chance for you to get involved with Kent’s ‘Good Food Movement’ (LCKG is on the working party) and attend conferences and events (some of volunteers have presented at Univ of Kent and Canterbury’s Climate Festival)
Bee Group - have skills to share/want to learn more about Bees/Honey, join the bee group within the garden
Biodiversity Group - have skills to share/want to learn more about biodiversity - join the biodiversity group within the garden and help out with bug motels, hedgehog hotels and the new wildlife pond
RHS Affiliation - borrow the garden’s RHS discount card and 2 of you can enjoy one of the RHS gardens for less
Access to the Members Area of the website - additional info, plus a great recipes section where members share cooking ideas
![RHS Affiliated Society Logo_Leaf Green[5] copy.png](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/61bf5a28962f746414caaebf/f5dd158e-0c2d-4ae6-8763-b252b42a9dd8/RHS+Affiliated+Society+Logo_Leaf+Green%5B5%5D+copy.png)