What We Do
Who We Are
Lynsted Community Kitchen Garden is a group of local people/volunteers who grow seasonal veg, fruit, herbs and cut flowers together, to eat and share. The garden uses the ‘No Dig’ method with the aim of improving soil health and increasing biodiversity. Every effort is made to be sustainable: rain water capture, composting and organic principles. We also keep bees and make honey.
Our Aims
Food - growing healthy, seasonal food together in an environmentally sustainable way; providing people with access to free, organically grown veg and fruit
Community - spending quality time at the garden with members of our local community. Also, gifting produce to those around us who are in need of support
Biodiversity - protecting and raising biodiversity
Education - sharing and learning with others
“Getting it right on food, could be the greatest opportunity to improve our health and wellbeing, whilst at the same time protecting the planet.”
— Gunhild Stordalen, EAT Foundation
“It all begins with the soil …. nurture your soil to grow better veg with less effort.”
— Charles Dowding, ‘No Dig’, 2022
Join or Visit LCKG
Join LCKG and become one of our ‘volunteers’, if you live locally (approx. 6 mile radius of Lynsted) and are interested in any of the following:
‘No Dig’ growing and helping out
Eating seasonal, healthy, fresh, organic veg, fruit and herbs for FREE (pick what you want when you want in exchange for your help in the garden)
Sharing and learning more about food
Learning about bees & honey
Getting to know your local community
Making a positive difference with climate change and biodiversity
Visit Us on one of our Open Morning Events to learn more. You are also welcome at other times, but please contact us to make an appointment.
What We’ve Achieved
wonderful local group (individuals and families) with a strong sense of purpose and community
quarter of an acre of outdoor ‘no dig’ veg beds, using recycled cardboard & compost
reused a 25 year old polytunnel frame to establish a ‘no dig’, ‘indoor’ growing area
no chemical pesticides, herbicides or fertilisers
compost-making with help from local compost experts @heartandsoilcommunity
harvested rainwater to provide for watering
linked to solar panels for electricity
built a ‘no dig fruit cage
bees, harvested 1st honey Sept ‘22
supported Swale Borough Council’s Great Big Green Week, in 2021 & again in 2022, to raise awareness on climate and biodiversity action
supported Kent County Council’s 2021-22 Reconnect Locality programme (for young people to enjoy family-time, taking part in outdoor activity and experiences
run events (open to the general public) with outstanding feedback
regular visits from our local primary school
grant from Swale, KCC, and a charitable trust
MySociety - Climate Tech Grant
Davis Pro Weather Station built at garden for local weather monitoring
invited by Bore Place (Kent) to be part of the Kent Food Partnership’s Good Food Movement strategy
featured on ITV Meridian ‘No Dig’ 2023 (video clip on our home page)
SILVER Wilder Kent award 2023 from Kent Wildlife Trust
BUPA Foundation Green Community Grant towards Herb ‘Wellbeing’ Garden
RHS/BBC Achievement Award for community growing
presented at the Kent Food Summit (with Kent Food Partnership’s Good Food Movement)
part of wide range of organisations working with Kent Food Partnership (under guidance of Bore Place), towards Kent’s gaining membership to esteemed Sustainable Food Places status - achieved in Nov 2023!
presented at Canterbury Climate Action Festival
Planted over 500 native hedgerow saplings - Woodland Trust donation
Planted 100+ trees - KCC’s Kent Plan Tree donated
April 2024 NGS Community Garden Grant won to create a pond/wetland
SILVER Wilder Kent award 2024 from Kent Wildlife Trust
Dec 2024 Wildlife pond created
Our Governance
The whole feel of the Kitchen Garden is a relaxed one; a place where you come to enjoy yourself with family and connect with community. The easy going, fun loving atmosphere is something we all treasure, but we also have responsibilities: the place, the people and the money. To ensure its smooth running Lynsted Community Kitchen Garden formalised itself into a constituted group, by electing a management team: chair, secretary, treasurer and two young ambassadors, on 3rd December 2021. We have a Treasurers’/Community bank account to manage a small (optional) annual subscription for adults, (under 18s free), and funding/donations we receive.
Formal meetings are held every three months. We communicate daily via a whiteboard at the garden & a group WhatsApp.
In order that we respect and support our membership/visitors, and the environment, we require members to agree to the following guidance.
Management Team
![RHS Affiliated Society Logo_Leaf Green[5] copy.png](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/61bf5a28962f746414caaebf/f5dd158e-0c2d-4ae6-8763-b252b42a9dd8/RHS+Affiliated+Society+Logo_Leaf+Green%5B5%5D+copy.png)